film / series  
2023fallout, s01rise fxlighting
2022-2021babylon berlin, s04rise fxcg supervision
2021the matrix resurrectionsrise fxcg supervision
2020lovecraft country, s01e07rise fxcg supervision: robots & cute aliens scenes
2019babylon berlin, s03rise fxcg supervision
2019doctor sleeprise fxestab-shot overlook hotel: shade, light
2018hellboyrise fxseq lead: set ext for 2nd part of cathedral seq
2018dogs of berlin, s01e03+06syrrealstadium model & texture, crowd, light
2017black pantherrise fxlook-dev "holo car"
2017babylon berlin, s01+02rise fxvarious tasks
2017die kleine hexeclaussen & putzrumpumpel's horns
2016-2015american renegadesrise fxcg supervision
2015captain america: civil warrise fxlagos market seq: matchmove, texture (crowd)
2015avengers: age of ultronrise fxestab-shot, robot factory: additional shade, light
2015the nightmare (der nachtmahr), uncreditedliga01one night set supervision
2014lumen, unreleasedrise fxset ext: shade
2014the man from u.n.c.l.e.rise fxset ext: texture, shade, light
2014captain america: the winter soldierrise fxset ext: texture
2012das adlonrise fxset ext: texture, shade, light
2010-2009wir sind die nachtkeller.iopreviz, set supervision, hair, cloth, precomp
2009wickie und die starken maennerkeller.iofireworks particle fx
2009faktor 8punchinmicroscopical virus visualisation
2008john rabekeller.iotesting & application of ocean tools
2008-2007krabatkeller.iotexture, cloth, feather fx
2006tradepunchin, arrimatchmove, shade, light, comp
2004ratten 2liga01fur, texture, shade, light, comp
2003das siebte fotoliga01pre-production photo retouch
2002auch engel wollen nur das eineszm/pro7cg & set supervision, ibmr, retouch, comp
2002das jesus videoszm/pro7scanner display, digi-double (heli explosion)
2001-2000rattenszm/pro7 set supervision, post vis, fur, texture
2017-2016heroes arena trailerfire without smokeset dressing, shader, light, pipeline
2016baldessarini "cool force"rise fxshots setup, shade, light
2015oman tv identsvelvetmatchmove, cloth
2015indio beer mexicovelvetmatchmove, rails, train
2014bmw carbon m3/m4 chinaliga01growing ice crystals, carbon tubes weaving
2014bebe more "hydrasplash" adoptixshade, light
2014airberlin "bewegung" adchimneysplit-flap display, snow storm
2013maxxroyal adandiparticle fx
2013ricola "chrueterchraft" websiteliga01various 3d assets
2013hagebaumarkt adliga01animatic
2013pro7 "we love to entertain you" w/ r. emmerichliga01set supervision
2013dfl promooptixice crowd system, light
2013fa "lotion" adliga01shade, light
2013base "the star" adliga01animatic, scene setup
2012ricola "alp meadow" adsehsuchtice meadow, scene setup, shade, light
2012catrice "color" adinfectedanimatic
2012swisscom "rocket" adinfectedsmoke fx
2012lg "air conditioner" promooptixcomp
2012bitburger "fan shirt" adoptixcloth
2012audi trademark filmliga01particle fx
2011ct group adsoptixmodel, mm, tex, shd, rigid sim, comp
2011vw "quicar" explanatory animationliga01animatic, set dressing
2011loewe adunclepackshot
2011saturn in-store clipspunchinpitch
2010adelholzener "active o2" adpunchinscene setup, shade, light
2010terre des hommesvenimcomp
2010mediamarkt advenimvarious
2009sky "ski"punchinsnow chunks fx
2009geld macht liebe series introspunchincomp
2009continental "soccer" adoptixrender
2008telekom t-gallery internal film58motion graphics
2007central (health insurance) "die spezialisten"optixshade, light, comp
2007cortal consors "bull" adpunchinfur, texture, shade, light
2007bmw formula one "in-box" flickoptixrender
2007strabag "building europe" imagefilmoptixlead artist on hospital sequence
2006cortal consors "iceblock" adpunchinscene setup, texture, shade, light
2006mcdonalds "huettengaudi" adpunchinbasic fur setup
2006t-systems corporate storyoptixbase scene setup
2006vw "r36" imagefilmoptixcreative, pitch
2006loewe "individual" product line addas werkshade, light, comp
2006bmw formula one multi-screen projectionoptixrender
2006symantec imagefilmpunchincomp
2006toshiba lcd-tv "fish" adpunchintexture, shade, fluid fx, light, comp
2006ladyland series introspunchincomp
2005disney channel opener58model, texture, shade, light, comp
2005job scout adspansshade, light
2005electronic scout adspansshade, light
2005dpd "puls" adoptixvarious
2005lucky strike "swarm" adoptixscene setup, additional particle fx, light
2005t-online t-dsl "jungle" adoptixparticle fx
2005neutrogena "visibly young" adoptixvarious
2004totally cooked show intropunchintexture, shade, light, comp
2004lotto "keno" adpunchinmodel, texture, shade, light, comp
2003mr.proper "coral reef" ad58shade, light, comp
2003premiere sport openerliga01particle fx, light
2002schwaebisch hall spotsszm/pro7fur, light, comp
2002schwaebisch hall fox 3d adaptationszm/pro7fur
2002premiere tv 1-7 openerszm/pro7render, comp
2002sat1 ran wm2002 introszm/pro7soccer field, light, precomp
2001pro7 "floating menu" re-designszm/pro7creative, pitch
2001k-toon tv packagingszm/pro7model
2000premiere "formula one" introszm/pro7model
2000allianz "mosaik" imagefilmszm/pro7 scene setup, light
2013unreleased no-budget short "der ballon", directed by andrea bertschinger cg balloon, comp
2012no-budget short film "alter ego", directed by simon ruschmeyer cloth fx, comp
2010-2007lectures at the sae munich on "compositing with shake"  
1999-1996media technology studies at the technical university ilmenau  
 clients / employers  
 rise fx  
 liga 01 † (fused with sehsucht)  
 optix †  
 punchin pictures  
 fire without smoke  
 vfx vault (Hugo Guerra)  
 infected post  
 spans & partner †  
 chimney group (now edison)  
 arri commercial  
 das werk  
 claussen & putz filmproduktion  
 hofmann & voges entertainment †  
 rat pack filmproduktion  
 syrreal entertainment  
 szm studios (now production)